Thursday, January 2, 2014


The Appeal salutes all veterans who have passed away in combat battlefields defending Americans liberties. 
We must always remember that these brave men and women died so that we can be free and it is right and just 
for their to be a Memorial Day set aside to honor them. 
We also salute those soldiers who have come home broken from the battlefields, both physically and mentally. 
We can never fully repay the debt we owe for the loss of limbs, the crippling aftermath that sees so many brave 
young men and women left to live their lives in various degrees of disfigurement, disillusionment and despair. 
Their fighting for us and our freedoms has left them a permanent marker, etched out on their bodies and minds. 
A soldier is tasked to do his or hers duty and carry it out faithfully, in defense of the Motherland. 
Once on the battlefield, he/she will forever be exposed to the horrors of war. 
The state of war is not natural it is man-made. 
Let us all endeavor to honor our soldiers not only in words, but in deeds by supporting them and advocating for 
them, not only on this wonderful day of solidarity but every day. 
A soldier who has defended the country on the battlefields of war should never have to worry about being 
homeless, hungry, and without means to adequate medical and dental care. 
The scars that these soldiers carry are in many cases unbearable. 
War is glorified in the media. 
The coverage of it not showing the true horrors. 
We see the precision strikes, the military's advanced weapons and generals press conferences. We do not see 
what the soldiers on the battlefield, in mortal danger see. 
They know firsthand of the death, mayhem and destruction. 
Sometimes the killing of innocent lives. 
Soldiers in the heat of battle witness all the incongruities of war, the accidental killing of his own men/women, 
the rage and revenge after seeing his/her friends vanquished, the loss of the conscience decision not to kill, 
which they will forfeit so as not to die or to have others in the platoon, company or battalion perish. 
This is the necessary "turning on" of the kill switch. 
After a lifetime of knowing it to be the ultimate sin. 
Killing another human being, a criminal offense in peacetime is necessary in war, taught and expected. 
In the main it is required that all types of killing be carried out. 
The soldier must follow these directives, he has no choice. 
Kill or be killed that is the nature of war. 
This loss of ability to choose not to kill carries with it a heavy burden upon a soldier's conscience. 
It is one thing to say or think about this killing. 
Another thing entirely to have carried it out. 

We must be mindful of the soldiers task in war. 
We must never forget what they are fighting for which is peace. 
Peace is the operative word that they have died and sacrificed so much for. 
Peace is what we should always strive for. 
Peace is the highest form of gratitude for their service. 
Whenever possible we must look to try to enact peace and not war. 
We must not be lead too easily into the jungle of war with its many dangers, instead we should 
look to avoid war if possible at any cost, to work out peaceful solutions with our brothers and 
sisters of different nations, to create a spirit of assistance not dominance in our foreign 
relations and to endeavor always not to send our soldiers out to the battlefields but instead to 
bring them home.

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