Hello! My name is Donald Reith.
I am a union Local 46 Ironworker from New York City.
My family, which consists of my 10 year old daughter Catherine, my 8 year old son Donald, and my wife Eva, make up The Appeal staff.
I do the managing of The Appeal. I write the original poems and writings. My family helps keep me in good spirits. They support me by creating a loving and caring environment with which I can creatively express as best I can the dangers of the current Free Market Frankenstein Monster market society. It is my hope to educate, raise awareness, and ultimately sow the seeds for a vigorous and massive grass roots citizen's revolt against the corporate and monied interests hijacking of the American Dream.
It is our fervent hope to spread awareness through The Appeal of the dangers of The Free Market Frankenstein Monster market society. We will look to ways to rid our economic policies of the plutocrats and corporatism that guides the Monster. Their control of the political process strangles the social well being of our citizens.
The Appeal's motto is a good society levels up poverty and levels down predatory plutocracy.
We feel it is a noble cause.
The striking inequality that ravages America is man-made. The Haves and Have-Nots is mainly due to the Free Market Frankenstein Monster -Capitalist System on Steroids - economic policies that the United States has been under the spell of for the past thirty odd years.
As a union ironworker since 1987, I have witnessed the decline of unions, from the many "out-of-towners" who came flowing in from all parts of the country to our union hall in Manhattan.
They all told the same story.
Their unions in their respective states had been dismantled.
These hard-working men had to take their act on the road, away from their loving families, to make a decent living.
These hard-working men had to take their act on the road, away from their loving families, to make a decent living.
But it was not only union workers who were being affected.
The steady erosion of all workers rights, wages, benefits and dignity has continued unabated since the Reagan era.
Corporate advertisements: laws advanced for corporate interests: anti-worker laws: and the pillorying of unions: have all advanced mightily and steadily in the rising corporate culture.
As well as the corporate wars (the racket) on terrorism abroad.
Homelessness and hunger prevail behind the glittering ads.
Unemployment and inequality fester while Congress dithers.
Apathetic government and polarized citizenry fill in the gaps.
Prison populations explode corporate bottom lines and the never ending War On Drugs fuels the prison supply chain.
Booms and Busts are ubiquitous.
The poor without health care are scorned by their own politicians and the evangelicals.
Ordinary citizens were faced with massive foreclosures, stock, 401k and mutual fund losses, during the 2008 Crash.
Ordinary citizens were faced with massive foreclosures, stock, 401k and mutual fund losses, during the 2008 Crash.
The wane of "real" journalism continues into the new National Enquirer Age of media sensationalism.
The rise of sensationalism and gossip news drowns out all notions of citizenship.
The rise of sensationalism and gossip news drowns out all notions of citizenship.
The rise of the casino capitalist financial sector and the new Robber Barons is heralded as the apex of individualism and positive thinking.
Political state and corporate state merged. One and the same. Bought and paid for by the Masters of the Universe.
The media kindles a middle class workers against illegal immigrants fire.
Yet for years the status quo has never changed. Why is Big Business not called out for its profilgate exploitation of illegal immigrants?
The same illegal immigrants who are being hired on the cheap by elites, for all kinds of domestic jobs, are also exploited by companies and corporations to lower wages and benefits of working Americans across the board.
This, as corporations first increasingly, and now routinely, outsource all of their production.
Indeed, most corporations do not even make the brands that they sell.
They are the brand. They outsource the production to poor countries; whose workers get paid a pittance to manufacture the goods for United States "consumers".
The rising army of lobbyists, commanded by the economic elite, now control the political process, with their corporate dollars. Citizens are marginalized by the one source, government, that is supposed to protect them.
These phony politicians, aided and abetted by the crony capitalists, go into government to destroy it for ordinary people. They are doing the bidding of their masters, the plutocrats, who are only concerned with boosting their own profiteering.
These phony politicians, aided and abetted by the crony capitalists, go into government to destroy it for ordinary people. They are doing the bidding of their masters, the plutocrats, who are only concerned with boosting their own profiteering.
During the election of Ronald Reagan, who was my Commander-In Chief- when I was enlisted in the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army (1984-1990), I witnessed the beginnings of the demonizing of people on welfare.
During Reagan's campaign, in the early 1980's, he made a point of calling them "Welfare Queens."
This was the beginning stages of Milton Freidman (Igor) economics coming on the scene. Bulwarked by the individualistic philosophy of Ayn Rand (Dr. Frankenstein). In conjunction with the gradual radicalizing of the Republican Party which would lead to its current ideology of completely dismantling government and "entitlement programs."
The dismantling of sections of Social Security: Medicare: Veterans Programs: Food Stamps: and Welfare: all coming together like varied body parts, to create the Frankenstein economic Monster.
The dismantling of sections of Social Security: Medicare: Veterans Programs: Food Stamps: and Welfare: all coming together like varied body parts, to create the Frankenstein economic Monster.
The corporate branding, which touches on every facet of American life, is supported by massive amounts of money.
Trillions of dollars worth are pumped into the propoganda machine.
So much so, in fact, that the advertising budgets of American corporations are far greater than the budget of most foreign countries.
The mainstream media's focus on the spectacle of the lurid, and the public's craven adulation to celebrities, sports stars and CEOs, leads to a public distaste of more important civic news. Important international stories, global warming warnings, and labor protests are buried in the popularity contest.
Most mainstream newspapers are now modeled after the Star and the National Enquirer (celebrity gossip rags).
The seductive championing of the individual wafts through every advertisement, reality show, and talk show.
The purposed propoganda powerfully connects to the American psyche of conquering the frontier.
The innate goodness of the cowboy exporting democracy and "nation building."
American independence is the fabled ideal. Leading to the theory of American exceptionalism. Subliminally allowing corporations to easily advance their own agendas, subtly, yet consistently, built up by the omnipresent media propoganda.
The innate goodness of the cowboy exporting democracy and "nation building."
American independence is the fabled ideal. Leading to the theory of American exceptionalism. Subliminally allowing corporations to easily advance their own agendas, subtly, yet consistently, built up by the omnipresent media propoganda.
The abject dismissal and scorn that is heaped on those who voice dissent against the rising corporate and plutocratic state in the face of such an onslaught, in retrospect, is to be expected.
The demonization, and dismissal of empathy, for those who are struggling in the market society abounds; at first fashionable, and now the norm.
The gossip and sensationilism of the American media knows no end; utilizing multiple streams of idols from the worlds of cinema: television: sports: politics: and finally the corporate world: all push the mantra of self-sustainability: positive thinking: fealty to one's deity: in a syncopated rhythm conjured by seductive propogandists designed to render preposterous any forms of critical thinking and agency.
Anything is game for sensationalism nowadays. It is the preferred method of state and corporate entities; where it is routine to find stories of this and that famous one's newborn baby on the front page of daily newspapers. More important civic and international news is not even covered. Losers in effect, to the manufactured American psyche of popularity contests, such as Survivor or Dancing With The Stars.
The rise of the corporate CIA, and its covert missions in foreign lands is barely recognizable through the media blitz. Under the auspices of democracy these military maneuvers are championed for their democratic ideals, but are all about economics.
The constant "nation building" imperialism stage we have entered into shows no signs of abating. A long Cold War was fought against Russia (I remember when they were considered superpowers along with the U.S.) in which we won. Instead of improving the lots of our citizens, and utilizing the vast amount of money that had been used in the fight against communism to rebuild infrastructure, education and communities, we have become what we had warned against. Utilizing the same military aggression that we were always warned of when I was a kid, that the Russians would partake in.
The immense popularity of the "gossip rags," reality shows, and cheap fallow entertainment opens the door to a marked increase in paparazzi, celebrity scandals and political scandals. The ever increasing lowering of cultural and civic values reminiscent of Roman times. All in order to make a buck.
Individualism is on the march.
What about those in our communities who have been left behind?
What about those in our communities who have been left behind?
Should everyone be primarily concerned with looking for their fifteen minutes of fame?
We all believe that someday we too could be a famous rap star, celebrity, sports star or CEO.
Michael Douglas's character Gordon Gekko's motto of "Greed is good" from the movie Wall Street is a perfect analogy of the spirit of the times.
Yet things seemed to keep getting progressively worse for ordinary people and fantastically better for the elites and corporations.
And they are.
The studies that have come to light encompassing all of the past thirty-odd years bear this out.
The differences between the Haves and Have-Nots is staggering.
After getting laid off from my job as an ironworker, a job where employers were becoming increasingly hostile to our services, job demands were greater yet, and disdain increased yearly for our workers rights I was motivated to look closely at where the country was heading. I began reading books at the library and becoming more informed on the workings of the Free Market Frankenstein economic Monster.
Informative books like Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine, Sam Pizzigati's The Rich Do Not Always Win enlightened me. As well as those from Chris Hedges, Henry Giroux, Ralph Nader, Richard Wolff and others.
A book on the CIA absolutely appalled me. The crimes were so horrific that I could not help but wondering; if all of these horrid crimes are included in this library book imagine the ones that were not de-classified.
Informative books like Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine, Sam Pizzigati's The Rich Do Not Always Win enlightened me. As well as those from Chris Hedges, Henry Giroux, Ralph Nader, Richard Wolff and others.
A book on the CIA absolutely appalled me. The crimes were so horrific that I could not help but wondering; if all of these horrid crimes are included in this library book imagine the ones that were not de-classified.
Respect, wages and benefits are slowly eroding for us union workers and all workers around the country.
The implementation of the fundamentalist Free Market Frankenstein Monster economic system that we adopted since the Reagan years is now fully operational.
Complete with financial "jargonists" prevalent on each financial and political show.
Complete with financial "jargonists" prevalent on each financial and political show.
These purported experts try their best to convince ordinary Americans of the soundness of the Free Market Frankenstein Monster economic policies. The "experts" use complex financial gibberish, that always seems to come back to the main story of their plot, which is "Growth."
Unadultered growth. Unregulated Growth. Corporate Growth. Billionaire's Growth.
The rise of Wall Street, the financial sector, the hedge fund managers, and the Banksters.
Of course, it is proclaimed that their whims should be granted. Whatever they deemed necessary is just. We will all benefit from their exorbitant largesse.
On to the financial crash.
It was called a Recession, but any reasonable thinking person, saw that it was the Second Great Depression.
The plethora of Free Market Frankenstein Monster's "expert" economic pundits, dominating the media airwaves, were all blindsided by economic collapse.
Their cries for the "purity" of the Markets belied by rampant casino capitalism. "Professional advice" to get out of the way of the markets and its "Invisible Hand" discredited as similar to giving the keys to the vault to a bank robber.
All of the buoyant economic forecasters were completely silent as the cry went out for - Bailouts!
Their cries for the "purity" of the Markets belied by rampant casino capitalism. "Professional advice" to get out of the way of the markets and its "Invisible Hand" discredited as similar to giving the keys to the vault to a bank robber.
All of the buoyant economic forecasters were completely silent as the cry went out for - Bailouts!
Not bailouts to the American people mind you. Bailouts solely to the Banksters, Hedge Funds and Wall Street firms.
The greedy financial sector and Wall Street that just gambled outrageously away people's homes, pensions, jobs and dignity on the notion that they should be left in charge; now expected to be bailed out.
It is outrageous that nobody paid for these overt financial crimes.
I realized, after the bailouts, that there would be some who would pay.
The middle class: poor: veterans: elderly: homeless: disabled: unemployed: and anyone else who was economically disadvantaged.
I realized that we went to Iraq on false premises. Trumpeted by former Vice-President Dick Cheney, and President George W. Bush as "nation-building." A catchy term for taking over oil fields.
Fulfilling their New World Order of "nation building" around the world, the Bush administration facilitated the complete collapse of the world economy. Insanely combining massive miltary takeovers in foreign countries with tax breaks on corporations and the rich.
A presidential policy of lies, executive overreach, corporate acquiescence and fiscal inanity that will certainly find itself in the pantheons of history amongst the worst of the incompetents.
The massive financial crisis caused by the Banksters, Hedge fund managers, and Wall Street was encouraged via lax regulations; greed; crony capitalism; and the growing individual culture. The economic collapse devastated ordinary working Americans.
The villains walked away from it flush.
Dick Cheney and his company Halliburton made off handsomely. With hastily approved billions in bailouts secured, so did Wall Street, the Banksters, and Hedge Fund managers.
The rest of America was left to suffer enormous losses in foreclosures; mutual fund and IRA losses; stock market losses; job losses; and physical and psychological trauma.
The rest of America was left to suffer enormous losses in foreclosures; mutual fund and IRA losses; stock market losses; job losses; and physical and psychological trauma.
Can you imagine the emotional toll?
Of course one cannot as it is too immense to wrap your brain around.
The Banksters, Hedge fund managers, and Wall Street got away with their financial crimes scot-free. There was barely any protests from ordinary Americans; the media; law enforcement; and government. (Only Bernie Madoff went to jail).
My outrage crescendoed seeing the overwhelming statistics of inequality that were showing up after 20 years, in multiple studies, of the Free Market Frankenstein Monster's economic reign.
I decided that I must make it my mission to inform as many people as I possibly could.
Many have told me to stop the complaining. Move on. As if I am unable or unwilling to get myself together. They left a sentiment that my questioning the status quo was un-American.
Many times I have been told to just pray, think positively, and stop worrying. Given advice that their is absolutely nothing that anyone can do about these extremely important civic matters.
This is when I decided that their was a dire need to make The Appeal. Someone must do it!
I had always intended The Appeal to be a beacon for ordinary Americans struggling against the slippery slope created by the yachts that were supposed to lift all boats.
A place to spread the word against plutocracy and corporatism.
A space to fight back against the monied interests. The only way we could.
Through education and raising awareness of the economic Monster I would expose it's nefarious plans for the American people.
Since January 4, of 2013, the day I first started The Appeal on Facebook, I have paid for the very small advertising budget that I have ($2.00 a day) to get out the message of The Appeal to the general public.
Since that time The Appeal has grown to over 2000 readers of our "viewspaper."
Our readership has worked together in solidarity.
Helping me by liking, sharing, and commenting on The Appeal's "viewspaper."
Playing an integral role in taking agency as citizens, not merely consumers, and broadcasting out through the social media realm our growing and unstoppable class consciousness rejection of the Free Market Frankenstein Monster economic policies.
Helping me by liking, sharing, and commenting on The Appeal's "viewspaper."
Playing an integral role in taking agency as citizens, not merely consumers, and broadcasting out through the social media realm our growing and unstoppable class consciousness rejection of the Free Market Frankenstein Monster economic policies.
There are those out there who feel the problem is not there.
That to complain about our economic system is to be a "loser".
A "whiner" or a "lazy" person who had his chance and now does not wish to "get up."
I must admit, I have to chuckle to myself over the repeated assessments friends, and even family members, have approached me with to "get over it."
I am not focusing on my situation as an individual.
The individual molds must be broken and discarded.
The individual molds must be broken and discarded.
Rather, I am talking of our citizen's families, communities, towns, farms and cities.
I am talking about a corporate leaning economic system that favors the rich and corporations.
To say that one must not "complain" and just look to the happiness and goodness of life is a curious statement in and of itself.
Carried out explicitly, we as a citizenry could have never evolved from the scourges of slavery, subjugation of women, feudalism, child labor, and so many other horrible aspects of the past.
Seen in the present light these acts seem incomprehensible.
Seen in the present light these acts seem incomprehensible.
I am not advocating against small businesses, nor the power of prayer, nor "happiness".
I am advocating against economic injustice and societal widespread inequality.
I do not propose that the whole Free Market system or all businesses are corrupt.
I do advocate that we as a society should look to level up poverty and level down predatory plutocracy.
We should pay workers a dignified salary. Especially those who work in corporate entities that are making billions of dollars.
We can provide higher education, healthcare, food, decent living standards, and housing for all.
Why such antipathy to this?
As thrilling as it is being an ironworker, I must say that running The Appeal, has meant much more to me.
It has given me more of a purpose in my life.
Advocating for humanity, not money.
I am happy to write my poems for such a cause.
The Free Market Frankenstein Monster is creating an America and a world of Haves and Have-Nots.
It is fostering war for ever more growth.
Growth that doesn't trickle down.
Profits over people.
Like the gladiators in Rome we have become absorbed in the spectacle.
The winning gladiators were exalted. The vanquished scorned and forgotten.
There was found no empathy for them.
Yet history also tells us that as Nero fiddled, Rome burned.
I have witnessed the devoutest religious persons stand behind Mitt Romney's labeling of the poor and disenfranchised of this country as "lazy" and "takers" and was genuinely appalled.
I have noticed a religious fervor of people who trumpet the Free Market Frankenstein Monster economic policies.
I have seen first hand how easily people moved to instantly marginalize my warnings.
None of this has deterred me for The Appeal is something I truly believe in.
I have gained great strength in my conviction to start The Appeal by loyal fans such as yourself and the many others who have supported our cause.
I feel strongly that by sticking together we can slowly turn the wheels of justice.
Knowledge is power.
With an informed citizenry, spreading the word through social media, we can seize the day.
Strength comes in numbers, and with your help and with the help of all of our fans, we gain stronger everyday.
The Appeal is committed to getting the word out against the plutocracy and corporatism.
We will not waver in our commitment, nor our quest, and we will continue marching on to the drummer's beat against inequality, and looking for new ways to pique the interests and educate as many as we can.
The Appeal wants to thank all of you for coming with us on our journey of fairness and justice. As we look to dismantle the immoral Free Market Frankenstein Monster from head to toe, and build a more just and egalitarian society, that truly has the interests of, and the empathy for, all of it's people.
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