I do not get swayed by all the misinformation swirling about on the President.
Educating yourself on the facts has a way of precluding such ignorance.
He doesn't have a birth certificate.
He is a Socialist.
He is anti-American.
He doesn't salute the flag (he ain't supposed to).
He is planning to use the government to overthrow the people and take back the right to bear arms.
He is looking to bring tyranny to the lands.
All of these ridiculous assessments of our President which have absolutely no basis in reality are in many cases used because there are still too many who can not bear the thought of America being led by a President who is black and extremely intelligent.
Don't take my word for it just go to the Tea Party's Facebook page and read the racist comments that fill up any and all comments posts.
I can't figure out for the life of me why you would want to support a group like the Tea Party.
Nonetheless, even though I find the Tea Party to be morally repugnant, factually challenged, bought and paid for by the Koch Brothers, feel themselves to be religiously superior and pre-ordained, completely destructive, and totally irresponsible as well as total syncophants to the Free Market Frankenstein Monster social economic scientists that have built an economy to destroy the working class, unions, the poor, veterans, the elderly, and all that are economically disadvantaged or to use their words"takers," people are still free to support them.
As a former member of the 101st Airborne Division, I trained and fought for 6 years to defend your right to vote and speak in support of whomever you thought most qualified. I am proud of that fact as factually challenged and splendidly misinformed as I know many of the Tea Party members are.
Hopefully the virus does not spread.
The idiotic and messianic closing down of the government should have been the antibiotic needed to eradicate the bewildering disease thru the effective quarantining of the stupidity, the flushing out of the ridiculous and inane plan in full public, and the final and total repudiation of it expressed powerfully by the heart and soul of the American people intent now to rid the lands of the poisonous rhetoric and its Circus Act of the Misinformed.
I see there are still random pockets still flaring up.
These should be extinguished efficiently enough by the next Congressional elections as the remaining psychosomatic symptoms of the disease still left dormant in the last vestiges of the remaining rabble rousing remnants, should after much acrobatic consternation and clown noise signifying nothing, flame out like the other carnival barking circus candles in history, kept ablaze furiously by the Svengali ringleader's hands desperately fanning the flames of hysteria, as the inflicted minds slowly realize they have been taken asunder for suckers by rank charlatans.
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